Stop&Shop lit: executed settle & dismissal

Published On April 25, 2023 » 781 Views» By Charles Powers » Recent Posts, Slider
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The following two documents executed at the end of March 2023 and beginning of April are the fully executed (signed) Stop&Shop settlement document and the court-acknowledged dismissal of the S&S initiated litigation challenging the AINR designation of S&S in the American Legion Drive AINR. 

To access the executed settlement (with signatures found on pp. 27-30) Click below
64617-Stop & Shop Settlement Agreement with schedules – EXECUTED 3-27-2023 3016991_6 (003)

To access the Court-acknowledged dismissal of the litigation, Click below

CivilCaseJac Dismissed

The Court record from September 2022 to the present indicates considerable dispute about settlement provisions – particularly those specifying relationships and rights among the landowners. But then came the April 14 request for dismissal that all claims and cross claims and defenses among the parties were dismissed without cost to any party. This dismissal Court record makes no reference whatsoefver to the settlement itself.

Court Records of S&S from 9-22 to 4-23


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