Teaneck Voices

Council announces/approves Stop&Shop Settlement

In a very unorthodox (perhaps illegitimate) procedure, the Council was 56 minutes into its 9/20/2022 meeting before Mayor Dunleavy announced he was “walking in” a resolution to approve a Stop & Shop litigation settlement as part of the Council’s Consent Agenda (which eventually passed at 11:35 pm).

That Dunleavy “settlement” resolution, which was then read by the Clerk, included for the first time any announcement that the public have access to this incredibly far-reaching settlement, a document which proved to be 59-pages long. But the resolution explained that public access would be in the Clerk’s office – and this AFTER COUNCIL HAD VOTED to approve the settlement.

Voices readers can read both the resolution (Resolution 232:2022 walked in to 9/20/2022 Council meeting) and the full settlement in the pdf below:

Click twice below 
S&S Resolutionc& Settlement stop

Teaneck’s attorneys told the Judge in the case that a settlement had been reached but said that before the parties would allow her to see it they needed to get it approved by the Township and its Planning Board (both of whom S&S had sued).  Hence, despite the fact that the settlement agreement was complete, fully 8 days later no notice of it – let alone a copy – had been shared with Teaneck residents.

Click twice to the right: Teaneck tells court the case is settled – 9-12 to see the Township attorney’s letter

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