Teaneck Voices

New PB hearing-Holy Name Site Plans?

Teaneck Voices has learned that Holy Name attorney, Wendy Berger, has sent certified letters to some HN neighbors and published a public notice in designated media stating that on Thursday October 13 a public hearing will be held by the Teaneck Planning Board to consider site plan applications concerning the hospital’s use of some key Chadwick Road lots for parking lots and a childcare facility. Much of the property cited in this application is apparently part of the ongoing Good Neighbors’ litigation contesting the validity of the Town’s zoning and road transfer ordinances involved in the controversial HNMC expansion.

This 10/13 PB meeting has long been on the schedule, but no information about access or agenda were available until Saturday, October 8. Whilethere is now zoom information and 3-lime descriptions of the site plans proposed by Holy Name, no site plan diagrams or reviews by Town professionals have been made public, even through OPRA requests. Nevertheless, Teaneck Voices readers should at least be given the opportunity to peruse what Teaneck Voices has been able to secure: 1) the public notice and 2) those narrative portions of the HN site plan applications (including the zoning officer’s denials of them.


PubNotice of 9-13-2022 PB mtg of Chadwick Application to read the Public Notice

And to read the Holy Name site plan applications

Click Here  50058-Holy Name – PB2022-13


Click Here 50059-Holy Name – PB2022-14 (Child Care)

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