Only voters who successfully registered to vote by October 15 will be eligible to vote in this November 2024 General Election.
Many of Teaneck’s Registered voters have already voted either by mail or by early voting. realistically there are just as of this week 2 ways to BEGIN the voting process for this November’s election. There are readily understandable descriptions of these 3 ways to vote – in both English and Espanol – if you go on your browser to vote/ You will see the clickable box: “3 ways to vote”. They are:
- Vote by mail – for which the County must have received your mail-in-ballot application by COB on Tuesday 10/29 (that’s at the very latest. Realistically that means you will need to go today or tomorrow to the County’s offices in Hackensack and fill out the application. It is too late to count on USPS to deliver your application or get your mail-in package it back to you in time.
If you have the mail-in packet follow the directions about how to get your ballot back to the County by 8:00 pm on November 5. And note if you have applied to vote by mail, the County assumes that you will be voting by mail and not using the other two options discussed below.
- Early voting – an option now extends only through Sunday, 11/3 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Voting early means voting on a machine with the machine version of the ballot. In Teaneck, the Rodda Center is the only place in Town where early voting occurs. If you are registered, and have not opted for mail-in voting, the County says it will have sent you by mail a sample ballot of Teaneck’s machine ballot beginning on October 18. c
- Voting on election day Tuesday Nov. 5 – the traditional option for voting is now by machine ballot. Registered voters who have not used the earlier options need go to their own voting district to vote on election day. In Teaneck there are 23 voting districts. How do you know which is yours? Control/click here for the Polling Placed Location Tool. Just type in the address at which you said you resided when registering (in nearly all cases, your home address) and the location of your voting district pops up.
Voting on November 5 is 6:00am to 8:00pm on election day. Again, you should have received a sample ballot copy of the machine ballot by mail from the County.
If for some reason you want to see a sample of what the machine ballot looks like before you receive the sample in the mail from the County, you can go to this location on the Bergen County Clerk’s website to see the machine ballot for Teaneck. Control/Click Here.
One final voting option is available but only for voters who have received their mail-in ballot packet but have never and will not have filled it out and returned it to the county and or have LOST it.
You may go to your regular election day polling place (see above for instructions) and tell those poll workers that you have not filed out your mail=in ballot and want, instead, to vote with a provisional ballot. According to County election officials, you should then be given a provisional ballot by a district poll worker to complete. Your provisional vote will then be checked by the County to verify that you never voted by mail, and only then will your votes be included in the final vote tallies.
Reminder: For what are we in Teaneck voting in this election?
We in Teaneck are electing a U.S. President; a U.S. Senator from NJ; a member of the U.S. House of Representatives – from NJ’s 5th District; a Bergen County Sheriff; 2 members of the Board of Bergen County Commissioners; 3 members of the 7-member Teaneck Township Council; and 3 members of the 9-member Teaneck Board of Education.
In addition, Teaneck voters are asked in a referendum (in very small font) whether or not the Township will be able to continue the voluntary Municipal Open Space Trust tax for an additional 4 years. The tax rate for MOST would remain the same and the amount for each property owner would be calculated using the Township’s most recent property revaluation numbers.
Voters are encouraged to read the referendum’s language and the interpretive language about MOST which appears on the ballot. A majority of yes votes from among those Teaneck voters who vote on the referendum is needed in order to continue the MOST program beginning in calendar 2025.