Teaneck Voices Welcomes You

Published On June 7, 2022 » 1235 Views» By Charles Powers » Slider, What and Who is Teaneck Voices
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Teaneck Voices is a new grass roots group, whose mission is to achieve integrity, transparency and responsiveness, with a particular focus to incorporate diversity and social justice in Teaneck governance. Our Newsletter is an educational and informational publication to encourage and ensure that all of us in Teaneck know the facts about our township government and the who, when, where, why and how of the ways it manages our lives. 

Our Objectives Are:
1. Educating Teaneck residents in governance matters, in order to involve residents in town matters.
 2. Monitor town meetings, including Council, Board of Education, Advisory Boards, and Statutory Boards,
               to inform the public on happenings at these meetings.
 3. Giving a voice to all Teaneck residents on Teaneck matters.

Published by Teaneck Voices
Contact us at teaneckvoices@gmail.com

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