Teaneck BOE Candidates for 2022 now set

Published On August 1, 2022 » 979 Views» By Charles Powers » Recent Posts, Slider
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On Monday, August 15 at 3:00 pm, Bergen County Clerk drew the ballot positions of the candidates who will appear on November 8, 2022 ballot when Teaneck voters will select a total of 5 members for the Town’s 9-member Teaneck Board of Education.  Ballot positions for the 14 BOE candidates who had submitted the required number of voter-signed petitions to the County Clerk were selected.  The 2022 election will select 3 members for the regular full 3-year terms and 2 members who will serve for one full year (2023) to complete the terms of two members who resigned during 2022 from full 3-year terms to which they had been elected in 2020.  Of the 14 candidates,

Does that sound complicated and confusing? Actually, that brief description is just the beginning of the challenges that will be faced by Teaneck voters seeking actually to make their BOE selections when voting this fall.
Voices has developed a graphic which may help the voter sort out who is running for which term length, whether a candidate has a slogan or is running with any other candidate, etc.

Click Here to see the depiction of the BOE’s 2022 ballot ordering currently on the County Clerk’s website. Let’s hope the County’s ballot designer will be adept at helping Teaneck voters struggling to sort out how to vote for the candidates of their choice for the 5 open BOE positions.

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