Proposed 2023 Budget To-Be-Introduced- 4/18

Published On April 16, 2023 » 663 Views» By Charles Powers » Recent Posts, Slider, Uncategorized
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Teaneck’ Council requested at its 4/4/2023 regular meeting that the resolution for the proposed budget introduction at the April 18, 2023 meeting be provided on the Township website with sufficient time to allow Teaneck residents to review it before the meeting. Unfortunately, that did not happen.
Instead the resolution could, as of late 4/13 be found only as n embedded part of a 67-page document within the 379-page agenda packet on the website which itself is available in its entirety if you Click Here).

Because we are told that many residents struggle to locate and/or extract discrete documents from the Town website – and specifically struggle to locate budget documents, Teaneck Voices has done the extraction and residents can open that 67-page budget introduction resolution document if you control click this:  To-Be-Introduced 2023 as of 4-16

The one guide as to what is different about the new budget document as compared to the Manager’s original budget proposal is this spreadsheet image found in both the Manager’s ad Finance Department list of 2023 budget document (Click Here) or as reproduced below:

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