Teaneck Voices

Ordinance Governing Council Order of Business

Published On February 14, 2024 » 355 Views» By Charles Powers » Recent Posts, Slider
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  • At Teaneck Council’s December 3,2014 Retreat (Click Here), most Council members all agreed that they did not want to hear extensive public input, particularly during Good and Welfare at Council meetings. Council then directed then Township Attorney Turitz to draft a resolution for the next Council meeting (December 17) that would address this desire for reduced public input and that its provisions would be temporary and last for just 3 months.
    Instead the Attorney prepared an ordinance to amend Council’s order of business which was approved on March 14, 2015, The ordinance Counci passed an ordinance included a key “whereas” clause which directly states:
    “Whereas the Council finds that an excessive portion of each meeting is devoted to comments by the public…”(Click Here).
    In that ordinance’s discussion following the Order of Business’ list, is found the following statement about G&W (which currently appears also in the Township Code as found on the website):

    • “…the public shall be allowed to comment for a period not to exceed three (3) minutes per person on any matter in the nature of good and welfare, whether or not on the agenda, and on any matters on the agenda for a total period not to exceed one hour if needed to entertain public comments as permitted by this section. “

At Council’s 2/13/2024 meeting, it is reliably reported that 18 persons were still seeking to speak when Member Schwartz after an hour moved to close Good and Welfare and that motion, seconded by Member Goldberg, was approved by a 5-2 vote.

It is noteworthy that the 2022 platform on which 3 RISE Council candidates ran, and won, listed as a priority greater governance transparency and public input.

Reproduced here is that Ordinance 2015 word-for-word as it appears on the Township website today:

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