No Notice to the Public – Perfectly OK?

Published On March 10, 2022 » 1376 Views» By Charles Powers » Struggle for Transparency
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Perfectly OK?
No week goes by in Teaneck without one of its entities either limiting or ignoring public input about ways to improve municipal transparency. This week, at the end of its short 3/3/22 meeting, Board of Adjustment Chair Meyer announced Good & Welfare and recognized resident Gail Gordon who questioned the way that the Board decides that hearings for applications being delayed or continued to future meetings will require “no further notice to the public”.
Before Gordon spoke, Chair Meyer clarified for her and his Board that nothing she was about to say would count.
He then dismissed her concern, claiming that all meeting agenda items were always found on the Town website (which is simply not true) and that the interested public could always learn what applications were delayed or continued to a future date by attending all the Board meetings which are typically more than three hours long.
This 3-minute video captures this interchange. Resident Gordon remains unconvinced. Are you?
No Notice to the Public
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