Latest Zoning Subcommittee Minutes – 12/9/24

Published On December 15, 2024 » 79 Views» By Charles Powers » Recent Posts, Slider
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As is so frequently the case, even when minutes of closed Council subcommittees are produced, they lie buried in Council meeting agenda packets. It is difficult to extract them from agenda packets – and – frequently they simply do not make it to the designated subcommittee secrtiond.

This is true of the latest Zoning subcommittee minutes from its (unannounced) December 3, 2024 meeting. These minutes reveal how that subcommittee is planning to move forward on many land use decisions.  Whether many of the issues the minutes say were discussed in that meeting will actually proceed in the time frames those minutes describe  is now unknown. The subcommittee clearly expected the Planning Board to approve the new Township Master Plan on 12/12 (see final paragraphs of the minutes). That could not happen because the Planning Board did not conduct any MP hearing on 12/12 due to “noticing” issues.

Important issues not available or discussed anywhere else are described in these minutes. For example, the Zoning Subcommittee discussed whether and if so how and how much of the town property known as Sheppard Woods may be used – made parkland – to compensate for the taking of open space needed to replace the Route 4 bridge over the CSX tracks.

We believe Teaneck Voices readers will want to carefully scrutinize the minutes of the December 3 Zoning Subcommittee. It is available on the website only at Click Here and go to p. 15-19.  Or, our readers can read those minutes in their entirety simply by scrolling down in this post.

12/3/24 Zoning Subcommittee Update

Zoning Subcommittee Meeting
December 3, 2024
Attendance: CW Belcher, CW Goldberg, CM Schwartz, Manager Hashmat, Adam Myszka, Mark
Bocchino, Scott Salmon via Zoom, Michael Ash
Regina’s Steakhouse- The owner presented several possibilities without external renderings. 3
stories 18 units, or 5 stories 27. Opinions were for the three stories. When asked about a project
of 4 stories ZSC asked for renderings at a future meeting.
CW Goldberg notes from meeting: (Jason Tuvel attorney for owner) The current owner of the
land and restaurant presented the desire to build an apartment building at his location. This is
the second discussion on this site. Owner of Regina’s presented discussions for the second time
about a multi-family building, with two options based on height and set backs. 3 stories with 18
units or 5 stories with 27 units. CW Belcher asked about the possibility for a condo vs co-op or
potential higher affordable set-aside. CW Goldberg inquired about the proposed zoning of this
location under the new master plan and the vision for the strip surrounding it. No discussions
regarding any pilot agreement or any asks. When asked about 4 stories, the owner said they
would need to return.
100 State Street- redevelopers agreement being drafted and sent to Council for January reading
as presented to full council in Novembers meeting. Tweaked loading and unloading for retail
CW Goldberg notes from meeting : (Jason Tuvel attorney for owner) Redevelopment agreement
to be drafted based on the presentation made to full council in open session. There was a slight
modification regarding the loading and unloading for the retail space.
140 State Street- same as 100 State street, tweaking loading and garage door. Sent to council
for January as presented to council in November
CW Goldberg notes from meeting : (Jason Tuvel attorney for owner) Redevelopment agreement
to be drafted based on the presentation made to full council in open session. There was a slight
modification regarding the loading and unloading for the retail space.
Packet Pg. 16
Attachment: December 2024 Zoning Subcommittee Meeting (8770 : 12/3/24 Zoning Subcommittee Update)
210 Shephard Woods – State needs 1.2 acres for Rt 4. We have 6 to give. We want maximum
money but Attorney to ask for same funds but only giving up 1.2 acres not the full 6 to then
later see if the net amount is wetlands or can be utilized for other projects
CW Goldberg notes from meeting- 210 Shephard Woods- NJDOT application and Green Acres
for diversion for Rt. 4 Expansion Project included 6 acres of Shephard woods, not currently
protected land on the ROSI. NJDOT issued public notices public presentations stating that
Shephard Woods was the land, and the amount of funds the town would be receiving, still in
negotiations, is based on Shephard Woods which meets all of the environmental requirements
needed for this project for the funds to be used unrestricted, unlike the PSEG funds. We either
provide in-kind land, and the funds can be used with no restrictions and Shephard Woods is the
only land meeting this requirement, or different land would require the funds to be tied and
used based on specific requirements for acquisition meeting the same requirements. No such
land exists. Discussions were had about whether this land is developable via AINR by CM
Schwartz and CW Belcher, despite draft appraisal report indicating that while not designated
wetlands, it has many of the criteria that would establish it as such if a formal study was done.
CW Goldberg reinforced the position that we should not be going back to the state at this point,
that this is valuable open space that should be protected on our ROSI and we should be seeking
maximum value for the diversion, and that she would not support new redevelopment in a
residential neighborhood in the Northeast. Two members of ZSC asked the Redevelopment
attorney to see what the state’s response would be to asking for only 1.2 acres be protected.
CW Disagreed with the majority regarding this.
Fence Code- approved changes with top 6” inches to be lattice
CW Goldberg notes from meeting : Resident Amrit Ramjattan presented his updated ordinance
addressing all of the safety concerns previously discussed with Building. Changes were
Redevelopment Agency- As per attorney this didn’t offer us any advantages so skipping it
CW Goldberg notes from meeting CW Goldberg asked she was being told about a
redevelopment agency for January, as this had not been something council or ZSC has
Packet Pg. 17
Attachment: December 2024 Zoning Subcommittee Meeting (8770 : 12/3/24 Zoning Subcommittee Update)
discussed. Redevelopment Attorney Ash stated that this would not offer Teaneck advantages as
it would cost more than in revenue brought in and would be a loss. This was not discussed any
American Legion Drive- engineers to meet with developer, council members and neighbors to
begin drafting a developers agreement
CW Goldberg notes from meeting- Attorney Tuvel for developer) CW Belcher left room to get
something out of her car. CW Goldberg said we should wait for CW Belcher to return. Time got
behind so ZSC moved onto the discussion. Crossroads inquired about timeline for a
redevelopment plan. Attorney ash reminded that nothing would move to the next steps
pending master plan. CW Goldberg reminded that last meeting during the public presentation,
CW Orgen stated that she would not agree to move forward until the developer had a plan for
the third tank, the pipe that runs underground, and a traffic study for the area. CW Goldberg
asked that she be included at meeting with Engineer, Manager, Neighbors and Developer. No
objections. CM Schwartz asked if a redevelopment agreement could be written in parallel while
this is happening. No decisions were made.
Housing Authority- advised that if we have one we still CANNOT designate affordable housing
for current residents only AND have it count towards COAH so there was no desire to talk about
this further
CW Goldberg notes from meeting Advised that if we have one that we cannot use those units
towards the affordable housing numbers, even though this would provide affordable units for
current residents. This would require the Township to build twice as much. CW Belcher asked
that Attorney Ash review this further.
Segal and Segal- fyi only on price drop to keep an eye on it if the town has any desire to
DPW- No updates on County Meetings, CM Schwartz, CW Goldberg, and Manager Hashmat to
attend meetings with county to discuss.
Master Plan- expected to be approved on 12/12
Packet Pg. 18
Attachment: December 2024 Zoning Subcommittee Meeting (8770 : 12/3/24 Zoning Subcommittee Update)
State Street- looking for long term vision with Planner after RFPs are back.
CW Goldberg notes from meeting : Planner- Looking for overall vision not spot development.

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