Is this PB transcript precise enough to count?

Published On February 27, 2023 » 974 Views» By Charles Powers » Slider, Struggle for Transparency
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Planning Board Chair Bodner proposed at the 2/23/2023 PB meeting that a transcript of the 1/26/2023 hearing on Holy Names site plans and prepared under the aegis of Holy Name “count” as the official minutes of the 1/26/2023 hearing. The Town audio had failed again. The only actual record of what was said at that nearly 4-hour meeting is found on a private video taken by a resident (Click Here see it on You Tube).
Many of those who have read the transcript of the meeting find it VERY DEFICIENT One need only look at the first page where the transcript claims that two members of the Planning Board who are “recused” from participating in the Holy Name hearings process are listed as present. Neither was present nor allowed to be!  A review of additional parts of the transcript – most particularly an incredibly important exchange between Chair Bodner and Rob Simon, the attorney representing HN neighbors not only misquotes the speakers but more egregiously “elides” (simply does not include) whole phrases and sentence from the dialogues on pp. 96-98.
So, Teaneck Voices reader, why don’t you see whether the transcript should become the official record. How? Well here is the 285-page document.  Take a look:
Control Click Twice

Or you could take our word for it. Somehow Teaneck needs to sort out how to deliver reliable accounts of its most important proceedings.

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