Duties & Contract for Teaneck’s New Manager

Published On July 1, 2024 » 905 Views» By Charles Powers » Recent Posts, Slider
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On June 18, 2024, Council Resolution 174-2024 appointed Jaclyn Hashmat as Teaneck’s new Township Manager

The Town Code Lists the Duties of the Township’s Manager

The Manager shall, pursuant to law and N.J.S.A. 40:69A-95:
(a) Be the chief executive and administrative official of the Township. (b) Compile and submit to the Council the tentative annual budget pursuant to law. (c) Execute all laws and ordinances of the Township and of the State of New Jersey. (d) Appoint and remove a Deputy Manager and all department heads and all other officers, subordinates and assistants for whose selection or removal no other method is provided in the Charter or otherwise. The Manager shall supervise and control his appointees and report all appointments or removals at the next meeting thereafter of the Council. (e) Review existing job classifications and salary ranges of all employees, at the request of the Council, but at least once each year, and present his recommendations for any additions, changes or modifications therein to the Council, at the request of the Council, but at least at or before the second workshop meeting in the month of September of each year. (f) Negotiate, but not approve or execute, contracts for the Township, subject to the approval of the Council; make recommendations concerning the nature and location of Township improvements; and execute Township improvements as determined by the Council. (g) 
Report to the Council any violations of the terms or conditions of any statute, public utility franchise or other contract imposed in favor of the Township or its inhabitants. (h) Attend all meeting of the Council with a right to take part in the discussions but without the right to vote. (i) Recommend to the Council for adoption such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient. (j) Keep the Council advised of the financial condition of the Township by rendering a quarterly report within 30 days following the end of the preceding quarter or a monthly report if requested by the Council. The year-end report should be submitted together with the tentative budget and shall be for the benefit of the Council and the public. 
(k)  Make an annual report of the Manager’s work to the Council, in writing, at the second Council meeting of the month of April and, if no second meeting of the Council is scheduled in the month of April, then no later than May 1 of each year, except as the Council may otherwise determine. Such report shall include a detailed list of major capital improvements considered by the Manager to be necessary or desirable during the succeeding five years, for consideration by the Council in planning future undertakings. [Amended by Ord. No. 3-20192-11-2019] (l) (Reserved)[1] [1]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection (l), which required the issuance of a written report at each Council meeting, was repealed 3-22-1994 by Ord. No. 3385. (m) Ensure that no contract be entered into or improvement undertaken until the necessary funds have been appropriated in the budget or by ordinance. (n) Consult with and work together with the Council and the Planning Board in maintaining the Master Plan and in establishing plans for the future development of the Township.(o) Investigate at any time the affairs of any officer or department of the Township. (p) Establish the organizational structure, duties, plans and responsibilities of all department heads and their major subordinates who report to the Manager, within the framework of the general administrative policy set forth herein, and submit such written plans, organization and operational delineation of duties to the Council as hereinafter set forth. The Manager shall develop, update and submit to the Council for its approval, prior to implementation, the following:
(1) Employment policies, not otherwise covered by collective bargaining agreements and laws and regulations of the New Jersey Civil Service Commission, which shall be incorporated and codified in Appendix V hereof, Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual,[2] and Appendix VI hereof, Personnel Policies and Procedures for Excluded Employees.[3] The Manager or his/her designee shall cause a copy of Appendix IV, Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, to be served on every employee of the Township and shall obtain a signed receipt from each employee acknowledging receipt thereof. The Manager shall arrange for training sessions on the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual for all department heads who, in turn, shall provide training on the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual to all employees within their respective departments.[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
 (2) Purchasing procedures. (3) Risk management procedures, including self-insurance policies and procedures. (4) Negotiating positions in collective bargaining with employee unions.(5) The status of formal employee grievances or claims, whether or not referred to labor counsel. (6) As part of preparing and recommending an annual budget, evaluations of each department and office of the Township, including staffing requirements and capital improvement needs. (7) A parts and supplies inventory oversight program. (q) Develop administrative and operational rules, policies and operating procedures, including but not limited to maintenance of records where appropriate, as required by the Charter, for the guidance of all departments and employees, in writing, to be reviewed by the Council, at least once annually, and filed with the Clerk and with each department head. (r) Demonstrate compliance with the goals set for him in the Charter and otherwise by the Council. (s) Provide adequate clerical and other staff support and adequate permanent office space for the Council and all of the members of the Council in the discharge of its or their official duties. (t) Perform such other duties as may be required of the Manager by ordinance or resolution of the Council.

Appointing Resolution 174-2024 described some key elements of the appointment but did not include the employment contract itself. When a resident asked why the agenda contained no contract, Township Attorney Salmon acknowledged the slip up – and the contract is now publicly available. In the post below, Teaneck Voices provides its readers with BOTH the appointing resolution and the entire employment contract as well. Noteworthy is the fact that the Contract includes provisions not indicated in the resolution, i.e. a $6K per year car allowance and a provision committing the Town to cover for August 2024, Ms. Hashmat’s $4300 Cobra payment.

Resolution 174-2024                                                                         Meeting of June 18, 2024


WHEREAS, the Township of Teaneck operates under a form of government known as the
Council-Manager Plan of the Optional Municipal Charter Law (also known as the Faulkner Act),
pursuant to N.J.S.A. 69A-81, et seq., under which the Township is governed by an elected
Council and by an appointed Township Manager who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of
the Township; and
WHEREAS, after multiple rounds of interviews and consideration of multiple well-qualified
individuals, the Township Council has chosen to appoint Jaclyn M. Hashmat as Township
Manager, effective July 1, 2024, at a salary of $219,000; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Township of Teaneck, for
the reasons set forth above, that the enclosed Employment Agreement between the Township
and Hashmat is approved; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all necessary Township officials are hereby authorized to
implement this Resolution and execute any documents necessary in connection therewith.
I, Doug Ruccione, Township Clerk for the Township of Teaneck, do hereby certify that
the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Township of Teaneck at a meeting held on
June 18, 2024, with a quorum being present and voting in the majority.
Clerk, Township of Teaneck


Employment Agreement with New Teaneck Manager Jaclyn Hashmat

Hashmat Contract – Click here  and again below

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