Teaneck Voices

Denise Belcher Endorsed by Real Estate Board

I am super excited to receive the support of the Greater Bergen Board of Realtors the local arm of the National Association of Realtors (NAR) as a candidate for Teaneck Town Council. My many years as a realtor has afforded me the opportunity to serve the community by being an active member of NAR.

NAR advances public policies and candidates that build strong communities, protect property interests, and promote a vibrant business environment.”

As a Broker/Owner of a real estate brokerage in Teaneck I have helped many families realize the American dream and settle into our community as well as helped small businesses to open their doors.

I am a strong advocate for Affordable Housing having sponsored numerous Affordable Housing Workshops in Teaneck and throughout Bergen and Passaic Counties. Affordable Housing is the bedrock of local towns like Teaneck. Communities thrive when senior citizens can afford to age in place and our working families can afford to buy. I’ve sponsored many events like hosting workshops with Frank Piazza of Piazza and Associates. https://vimeo.com/565842104 Also, participating in Fair Share Housing and NJ Housing Summit events.

As a council candidate once elected, I will implement a comprehensive Affordable Housing Plan that creates opportunities for more Teaneck residents. Once elected I will implement ways to give preference to Teaneck residents in affordable housing. Additionally, I will work to revamp and USE the master plan as the guide for development. Use of AINR (Areas in Need of Redevelopment) which is being used as a tool for rapid development in the last 24 months is problematic. The Stop and Shop Development project is 1 of 10 AINR sites designated in past 2 years. AINR designations must be guided by best practices to include public input and transparent governance. I will encourage mixed use and single & multifamily development making sure that Teaneck retains its suburban appeal and quality of life.

I was one of 7 plaintiffs who fought and won the Holuba case. This development project involved the Teaneck Council (including the current incumbents) and the Planning Board who voted to approve and passed a segregated site plan. Briefly, the Teaneck Council and Planning Board were not in compliance with federal and state laws as it pertained to integrating affordable housing into this project. The Council and Planning Board were required to comply with Federal and State Affordable Housing guidelines for the Holuba site. As a result of their action the council and Planning Board were required to revise the site plan to comply with Federal and State guidelines so the project could proceed.

I will work to revitalize the business districts that have fallen into neglect and disrepair. I’m proud to be a founding organizer of the Teaneck Road Business Community Alliance. Where grass roots efforts began with securing Christmas lights and flags and this year resulted in the ribbon cutting of a multi-million dollar streetscape.

Making Teaneck a destination that attracts local and regional businesses who want to do business here is my goal. Unfortunately, current incumbents for many years have missed opportunities that promote collaboration between business, government and Arts & Culture.

While serving on the Planning Board, I was a Yes Vote for the Holy Name Hospital Parking Expansion on 7/27/2017. As a real estate broker and entrepreneur, I am a champion of business expansion and development while being guided by the master plan. In addition, I encouraged Town Council to consider the concerns of the surrounding property owners. One of the fundamental principles of NAR is to advocate for private property owners’ rights. I professionally and personally believe in this strongly. I’m committed to listening to the voices of residents and representing ALL communities of Teaneck. I am an independent thinker and will always ask the important questions in the interest of constituents.

Given my background as Realtor, Entrepreneur, and Educator electing me to the Teaneck council would be a honor and a perfect opportunity for me to serve Teaneck as your councilwoman.

I am running with Danielle Gee, Hillary Goldberg and, Chondra Young along with these dynamic women we possess the passion, credentials, and experience to lead Teaneck. I along with my running mates are Responsible, Inclusive, Strategic and will Engage with residents to RISE Teaneck to the model community that we know Teaneck can be.

Vote RISE for Teaneck

Column 2

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