Council Results: Rise Rose 3/4’s & not over yet

Published On November 16, 2022 » 914 Views» By Charles Powers » Uncategorized
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Congratulations to the RISE for Teaneck challenger slate of 4 candidates which can provisionally be assured of having won three of the four open seats in the Town’s seven-member Council. That means that candidates Belcher, Gee, Goldberg and Young will have performed exceedingly well, as Teaneck Voices had hoped and believed they would.

The RISE slate will have been successful while expending campaign funds less than half of what will prove to have been spent by the slate led by 24-year incumbent Elie Y. Katz. Only the results for Katz were strong enough to put him in a position to be potentially elected – as each of the other 4 candidates were more than 1400 votes off the pace. (see image below)

However, it remains much too early in the vote counting process to make definitive statements about the results of the November 2022 election for 4 members of Teaneck Council. That is true for two reasons:

1)   The available vote totals among the top five candidates are relatively close. Only 129 votes separate the top 3rd, 4th and 5th place candidates – in an election where more than 14,400 Teaneck voters participated; and

2) The number of votes which will ultimately be certified by the County is unknown because 3 categories of votes remain to be added to the already completed vote counting:

a.      An indeterminate number of Vote-By-Mail ballots remain to be counted – indeed until COB on Monday 11/14 the County is required to count Mail-in Ballots which were postmarked bu USPS before 8 pm on election day, 11/8; and

b.    None of the provisional ballots submitted for a variety of reasons on election day can be counted until the County is in a position to know whether voters who submitted those “provisionals” are truly eligible to vote and have not previously submitted ballots in this election; and

c.      Votes of voters whose ballots were rejected for, for example, having signatures that did not match County registration signatures who have been given a chance to “cure” whatever made their first ballot unacceptable. This is a County evaluation process which will apparently begin on Wednesday 11/16 and be completed by 11/18.

However, despite the uncertainties, here in the image below is the best current summary of the results thus far tabulated. Look carefully. The County Clerk has listed the 9 Council candidates in the image below in the order they appeared on the ballot – which is not the order of their election success for which you need to consult the actual numbers in the image. The same data can also be seen if you Click Here.

Inherently, then, literally no one (not even our current mayor – see related story) is in a position to begin to speculate on whether there will be a new Council majority and how the newly elected Council will govern. Teaneck Voices expects some of those issues to be addressed beginning next week.

What can be said at this point is that the decision (by referendum in 2021) to move the municipal election to November has already resulted in a significant increase in voter participation in Council selection! This year more than 45% of the 31K registered voters voted. We will have gone from registered voter participation in the all mail-in 2020 pandemic year of 31%. In the last “regular” 2018 May election, voter participation was 24%. In other words, Teaneck’s democracy is already stronger as a result of electing its municipal officials in November.

PS: Our readers are advised not yet to count on the Township website to provide accurate post-Council election data. The website (Click Here) currently provides data on 1) what is only about 60% of the results, 2) erroneously lists Deputy Mayor Katz as the leading vote-getter and 3) tells the reader that the names listed in bold are the elected candidates. We surmise that the Town Clerk was using only the data he had collected on election day in the local districts. Only the Bergen County Clerk’s election results will first have the accurate results as they are amended and lead to election certification – perhaps by 11/20.

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