Teaneck Voices

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April 11, 2023 - 0 Comments

Voices has recently explored what state law and its regulations say about handling ethics complaints. It turns out that whether ethics complaints are sent to/being handled by the state or a municipal ethics board, the...

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March 4, 2023 - 0 Comments

In a letter sent to Planning Board Clerk Rosiland McClean on March 2, a group of Holy Name neighbors shred 3 key pages of the notarized transcript of the 1/26.2023 Planning Board Hearing.  Below you...

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February 27, 2023 - 0 Comments

Planning Board Chair Bodner proposed at the 2/23/2023 PB meeting that a transcript of the 1/26/2023 hearing on Holy Names site plans and prepared under the aegis of Holy Name “count” as the official minutes...

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February 22, 2023 - 0 Comments

At the Council meeting on Tuesday, February 14·       The Council let every member of the audience who wanted to speak at G&W, do so. Thank you, Councilmembers!·       The individuals who spoke were articulate, communicative and clearly believed...

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February 7, 2023 - 0 Comments

Those Who Forget the Past are Doomed to Repeat It  Teaneck residents long have urged the Manager and Council to create a new website. The Manager’s response to the many queries was “We’ll have a...

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January 31, 2023 - 0 Comments

At the January 24th Council meeting, councilmembers raised the subject of a Compliance Officer for Teaneck. Some councilmembers supported the idea, while others were strongly opposed. The reality is that the word ”compliance” has different...

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January 21, 2023 - 0 Comments

As of 1/22/2023 no agenda explanation of the January 26, 2023 Planning Board meeting could be found on the Teaneck Township website. However, the attorney for the site plan review applicant (Holy Name) did post...

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January 19, 2023 - 0 Comments

Two incredibly important public meetings took place this week – Council met Tuesday; the Planning Board met Thursday. The first meeting – Tuesday’s 1-10-2023 Council – demonstrated clearly that the change in Council leadership has opened a...

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January 10, 2023 - 0 Comments

It was clear since the results of the November Council elections were finalized that Teaneck’s Council was going to be dramatically affected by the election win of 3 female members of the Rise for Teaneck...

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January 2, 2023 - 0 Comments

By Wednesday night, January 4, Teaneck – in response to its voters’ November choices – will have ushered into Township leadership more change and fresh perspectives than at any other time in this century. Teaneck...

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