Teaneck Voices

Teaneck’s BOE Candidates as Depicted by County Clerk’s

As of September 1, the Website for the Bergen County Clerk had published an image that depicted the 12 Teaneck residents who have qualified to be candidates for the Teaneck Board of Education on the Township’s general election ballot in 2022

Previously, as of August 19, 2022,  that Website had published an image that depicted the 14 Teaneck residents who have qualified to be candidates for the Teaneck Board of Education on the Township’s general election ballot in 2022.

We have reproduced both candidate images at the end of this page. We note that if any aspect of this depiction changes on the Clerk’s website, Teaneck Voices will update this page.
The candidates have each selected whether they will run for one of the three (3) seats to be elected for a full 3-year term or whether they will run for one of the two (2) seats which will separately be elected for the unexpired one-year term (the full year of 2023) which became available due to the resignation of two previously elected board members during 2022.

This Clerk’s depiction lists the two elections separately under the column heading TERM.

  • Seven of the candidates chose to run to be elected to the full 3-year term. Only the top 3 candidates from among those 7 candidates will be elected to BOE membership.  Those seven full-term candidates appear as the 7 candidates at top of the Clerk”s website depiction.
  • The other five candidates, all chose to run for one of the 2 one-year (2023) unexpired terms. Only the top 2 vote-getters from among those 7 candidates will be elected to BOE membership.
    • 5 of the candidates have been bracketed to run under a slogan “Achieving Excellence Together“.
      • 3 of those 5 (Ha, Reyes & Williams) are running for one of the 3 full three-year term positions.
      • The other 2 of those 5 candidates (Rodriquez & Sanders) are running for one of the 2 one-year unexpired term positions
    • Two candidates are bracketed under the slogan “Takes this Village
      • One of the two (Greene) is running for a 3-year term
      • The other (Bullock) is running for a one-year term
    • The five other candidates have not as yet either bracketed or selected a slogan
      • 3 of those 7 candidates (Shain, Gruber & Schneider) are each running for 1 of the 3 full-year terms
      • The other 2 of those candidates (Reich, Ahmad ) are each running for one of the two 1-year terms

Of the 12 candidates, 3 do now serve as a member of the Board. Those candidates are Williams,  Rodriguez & Sanders. One other candidate (Gruber) had previously served as a board member.

Clearly, conscientious voters will need to carefully study their ballots (the mail-in or sample voting machine ballot) to make sure that they vote for the BOE candidate of their choice.

September 2022 – 12 Candidates

Two of the certified candidates seeking 1-year term (Yassine Elkaryani and Hussein Halak) had subsequently withdrawn.  The original list is seen in the County Clerk’s image below

August 2022 – 14 Candidates

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