Applicant HNMC’s public notice of 1-26 PB hearing

Published On January 21, 2023 » 1115 Views» By Charles Powers » Slider, Uncategorized, Voices on Land Use Issues
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As of 1/22/2023 no agenda explanation of the January 26, 2023 Planning Board meeting could be found on the Teaneck Township website. However, the attorney for the site plan review applicant (Holy Name) did post the following explanation in a public notice on January 13.  See below.

PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TEANECK PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Township of Teaneck (“Board “) on January 26, 2023, at 8:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached in person at the Richard Rodda Community Center, 250 Colonial Court, Gym 2, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666, whereupon the Board will consider the following application: Name of applicant: Holy Name Medical Center, Inc. (“Applicant”) Address, and Tax Block and Lot designation of property to which application applies: Block 3002, Lot 2.01, (formerly known as Block 3002, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) and portion of Chadwick Road Right of Way (“Property”). Depending upon when this application is heard by the Board this Property may also be merged with and include the following properties : 106 Chadwick Road, known as Block 3003, Lot 2; 100 Chadwick Road, known as Block 3003, Lot 3; 718 Teaneck Road, known as Block 3003, Lot 4;711 Grange Road, known as Block 3003, Lot 8;713 Norma Court, known as Block 3003, Lot 9; 717 Grange Road, known as Block 3003, Lot 10; 715 Norma Court, known as Block 3003, Lot 11; 717 Norma Court, known as Block 3003, Lot 12; 737 Grange Road, known as Block 3003, Lot 13; 88 Chadwick Road, Block 3003, Lot 14; and portion of Chadwick Road Right of Way, Teaneck, New Jersey (” HNMC Property”). The Property and the HNMC Property once merged will be given a new Block and Lot designation by the Township of Teaneck (“Township”). Application: Applicant has applied to the Board for Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval and such variance/waiver approvals as may be required to permit the construction of a temporary gravel parking lot with gates and temporary lighting and for the future use of the lot for construction staging and construction material storage on the Property. Applicant will also seek any and all other approvals, waivers and variances as may be determined to be required by the Board, or its experts during their review of the Application, during the course of the hearing or as a result of changes or modifications to the plans submitted, including, but not limited to the following variances/waivers: 1. Property Maximum Lot Coverage:75% Permitted. Existing 48%. Proposed 83%; 2. Property Minimum Setbacks to Cedar Lane: Required Parking Lot Setback 100′. Existing Parking Lot Setback to remain 2′. Proposed Parking Lot Setback 7′; 3. Property Off Street Parking: Proposed Parking Lot is gravel. All Off Street Parking areas, including driveways, shall be paved and adequately drained; and 4. Property Requested Waivers: Shade Tree plantings, Green design for storm water management, Edge Buffering, Street Trees, benches, Cedar Lane sidewalk, and site lighting. All interested parties are invited to participate individually, or through counsel and be heard at the public hearing on this application All documents relating to this application can be inspected in the office of the Secretary/Administrator of the Board in the Municipal Building, 818 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, New Jersey between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Thursday, except on legal holidays, scheduled office closings, or during such other hours as determined by the Board Administrator. Dated: January 9, 2023 Wendy M. Berger Attorney for Applicant Cole Schotz P.C. 25 Main Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601 Record January 13, 2023 Fee: $54.56 (62) 0005554718

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