Holy Name Neighbors Rip Court Reporter Transcript

Published On March 4, 2023 » 945 Views» By Charles Powers » Recent Posts, Slider
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In a letter sent to Planning Board Clerk Rosiland McClean on March 2, a group of Holy Name neighbors shred 3 key pages of the notarized transcript of the 1/26.2023 Planning Board Hearing. 

Below you can review that ENTIRE letter which is accompanied both 1) by the neighbor’s own proposed transcription of pp. 96-8 of the transcript and 2) a version of those 3 pages (96-8) which juxtaposes the notarized transcript with the alternate transcription developed from the only electronic version of that 1//26.2023 meeting (a video placed on You Tube [Click Here] by a private citizen since the Township’s own electronic audio had failed). 

Teaneck Voices has carefully reviewed both the notarized transcript and the alternate transcript prepared by the neighbors. Only that alternate “neighbor’s” transcript accurately depicts verbatim what was actually said on the video recording of that meeting.  The notarized version is replete with errors – but more importantly elides (simply leaves out) whole phrases and sentences.  For whatever reason, the notarized version substantially misrepresents the 1/26/2023 hearing dialogue which occurs on the notarized version’s pp. 96-8.  It is Voices conclusion that the notarized transcript should NOT be used to elucidate or represent what was actually said at that PB hearing. 

Planning Board Letter – March 2 2023

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